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What is dark cloud pattern and trade setup in options trading

 What is dark cloud pattern and how to make trade setup in options trading? The dark cloud pattern form with two candlestick and it is form at the resistance area where it the first candle should be healthy green (bullish) candle and second candle should be form red (bearish) candlestick. Second candlestick should be form at least 50% or above of previous candle. How to make trade setup with dark cloud pattern in binary options trading. To make trade setup whenever we spot dark cloud pattern draw horizontal line and wait for next retracement candle to close exactly at the level. Once retracement close exactly the level if new forming candle open at the same point where previous closed candle, then you can open your trade. Note: first practice in the demo account, once you familiar with the trade setup after the you can go to real account. open demo account with $10,000 and practice from below top broker in the world.

Bullish Engulfing Pattern and trade setup in binary options trading

  What Is a Bullish Engulfing Pattern? Bullish engulfing A bullish engulfing pattern is a green (Bullish) candlestick that closes higher than the previous day's opening after opening lower than the previous day's close. It can be identified when a small red (bearish) candlestick, showing a bearish trend, is followed the next day by a large green (Bullish) candlestick, showing a bullish trend, the body of which completely overlaps or engulfs the body of the previous day’s candlestick. How to make trade setup in binary options trading? Engulfing trade setup Once you spot the bullish engulfing draw horizontal line and wait until market price come to your drawn line area and close exactly at the label and if market open exactly previously closed area open your trade opposite direction for one candlestick time frame (1min, 5min). It will give you 90-95% accuracy.   Use same logic for the bearish engulfing pattern with opposite direction from bullish engulfing like below chart.  Bear

What is Bullish or bearish candlesticks Momentum loss and gain?

The candlestick momentum loss is buyer or seller decreasing in a candle. And the candlestick momentum gain is to continuously increase the buyers or sellers. Bullish momentum loss is to decreasing buyers' interest and increasing sellers. Vice versa in bearish momentum where buyers will take a lead on the candlesticks.

What is binary options trading?

what is binary options trading Binary options trading is a form of trade that offers two options – either the price of a particular asset goes up or down, and you have to guess which direction the price moves in a specified time. It first came as an over-the-counter trading system in bourses and stock exchanges. The Internet has ushered in its widespread popularity starting in 2008. Most trusted binary options broker in the world

Morning Star Pattern भनेकाे के हाे, यी Pattern कसरी पहिचान गर्ने अनि Trade Setup कसरी बनाउन सकिन्छ ?

  Nepse Chart Morning star pattern Morning Star Pattern भनेकाे के हाे, यी Pattern कसरी पहिचान गर्ने अनि Trade Setup कसरी बनाउन सकिन्छ ? बिहानको तारा ढाँचामा (Morning star pattern) तीनवटा मैनबत्तीहरू हुन्छन् जुन Support Area नजिकै बन्छन्। पहिलो मैनबत्ती बियरिश (Red Candle) हो, दोस्रो स्पिनिङ टप वा डोजी (Colorless Candle) हो, र तेस्रो बुलिश क्यान्डलस्टिक (Green Candle) हो। सामान्यतया, तेस्रो मैनबत्तीले बुलिश रिभर्सल ढाँचा बनाउँछ । Morning star pattern formation यी ढाँचाहरू तीनवटा मैनबत्तीहरू मिलेर बनेका छन्। यो ढाँचा बुलिश रिभर्सल ढाँचा हो। बिहानको ताराहरू राम्रो चीजहरूको संकेत हो। यदि तपाइँ बुलिश ढाँचाहरू मनपर्छ भने, तपाइँ बिहानको ताराको इच्छा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ। जापानी क्यान्डलस्टिक्स चार्ट ढाँचाहरू धेरै आकार र आकारहरूमा आउँछन्।  एकल मैनबत्तीहरू जस्तै डोजी क्यान्डलस्टिक्सले तपाईंलाई आफैले जानकारी दिन सक्छ। सँगै समूहबद्ध हुँदा, मैनबत्तीहरूले ढाँचाहरू बनाउँछन्। यी ढाँचाहरूले तपाईंलाई स्टक कहिले ब्रेकआउट वा बिग्रन्छ भनेर जान्न मद्दत गर्दछ।  Trade Setup कसरी बनाउन सकिन्छ ? Morning star patter

Stock Market मा बुलिश हरामी क्यान्डलस्टिक ढाँचा (Bullish Harami candlestick patterns) भनेकाे के हाे ?

Bullish harami candlestick patterns in Nepse market Stock Market मा बुलिश हरामी क्यान्डलस्टिक ढाँचा (Bullish Harami candlestick patterns)  भनेकाे के हाे ?   बुलिश हारामी एउटा आधारभूत क्यान्डलस्टिक चार्ट ढाँचा हो जसले सम्पत्ति वा बजारमा बियरिश प्रवृत्ति उल्टो हुन सक्छ। Bullish harami candlestick patterns बुलिश हारामी क्यान्डलस्टिक चार्ट एक सूचक हो जसले मन्द प्रवृत्ति समाप्त हुन सक्छ। केही लगानीकर्ताहरूले बुलिश हरामीलाई राम्रो संकेतको रूपमा हेर्न सक्छन् र उनीहरूले सम्पत्ति वा बजारमा खरीद गर्ने (Buying) स्थितिमा प्रवेश गर्दक्षन। क्यान्डलस्टिक चार्ट एक प्रकारको चार्ट हो जुन सेक्युरिटीको कार्यसम्पादन ट्र्याक गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ, चार्टमा चित्रण गरिएको आयताकार आकारको लागि नाम दिइएको छ, माथि र तलबाट निस्केको रेखाहरू, जुन मैनबत्ती र विक्स जस्तै देखिन्छ। एउटा मैनबत्ती चार्टले सामान्यतया एकै दिनमा स्टकको मूल्य डेटा प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ, खुल्ने मूल्य, बन्द मूल्य, उच्च मूल्य, र कम मूल्य सहित। हरामी ढाँचाहरू पहिचान गर्न खोज्ने लगानीकर्ताहरूले पहिले क्यान्डलस्टिक चार्टहरूमा रिपोर्ट गरिएको दैनिक बजार प्र

What is piercing signal candlestick pattern?

Nepse charts piercing signal patterns What is piercing signal candlestick pattern? A piercing Signal pattern is a technical trading signal that is formed by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap lower the following day with a Green candlestick that covers at least half of the upward length of the previous day’s red candlestick body, finishing with a close higher for the day. A piercing pattern often signals the end of a small to moderate downward trend. Piercing candlesticks patterns Piercing Pattern is a reversal candlestick pattern which is bullish in nature and appears at the end of a down trend. It is a complex pattern made of two candle lines. The first candle is bearish in nature and the second is bullish in nature. It has its name because the prices pierces up through the falling market. It is one of the important pattern, which you should give attention. Following conditions must exist to be valid the Piercing signal: The stock must have